Satya Skin And Hair

Hair Quiz

Hair restoration is a journey and to set the right foundation you need the correct information. Help us to guide you in this beautiful journey by providing the following information to set realistic goals and to achieve results that last long, look natural and come with minimal side-effects.

Kindly fill all your details in the below asked questions:

    1. Do you have any Family history of Hairloss (paternal or Maternal)?

    2. On an Average How many hairs do you think fall out in a day?

    3. Please select your current grade of baldness:

    Hairloss Stages

    4. Please mark any of the medicines used in the last 3 years:

    Please specify the other medicine used:

    5. Please mark any of the treatments taken in the last 3 years:

    Please specify the other treatment taken:

    6. Have you done any Hair Transplant earlier?

    If Yes, Please fill out:

    > Method

    > Total number of Grafts:

    > Transplant done in which year:

    > Where did you get the transplant done from (clinic name):

    7. Please provide us your photos (Front, Back, and Sides of Scalp):

    8. Please leave your contact information below so we can send you quiz results:

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